Tree Canopy Cover

Search the map to discover tree canopy cover across London.


The data presented is a high resolution map of tree canopy cover for the Greater London area. The map was produced by Breadboard Labs in collaboration with the Greater London Authority through Breadboard Lab’s European Space Agency funded project, Curio Canopy.

The algorithms and the machine learning based techniques used to produce the canopy map were developed using Google Earth Engine which was also leveraged to perform the processing needed to create a London wide high resolution tree canopy map.

Find out more about the Curio-Canopy project at

For more information about how this map was developed and to download the data, visit the London Datastore

Please note: The canopy cover map is approximately 94% accurate. It was generated using machine learning and we’re aware there are areas of the map where the model sometimes incorrectly identifies scrub, football pitch markings and reedbeds as tree canopy. We’ll work to improve this in future versions as techniques and technology improve. If you have any queries about the map please contact [email protected]